Decker Integrated Orthotics and Prosthetics

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8931 W 75th St
Overland Park, KS 66204 Overland ParkRate and review
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Kansas City's newest orthotic and prosthetic provider, started by Loren Decker, CP. Decker Integrated Orthotics and Prosthetics is launching with a vision to change the way orthotic and prosthetic care is provided, specializing with "I3” care which places the patient at the center of the care process.

"Our desire is to approach each patient with integrity that honors their needs for individualized attention, innovative care with maximum function”

This I3 approach allows for the integration of the patient needs, professional expertise and the highest level of outcome based care expected by the industry.

INTEGRITY means the needs of the patient are put first. Fitting the patient with what they need, and will give them the highest level of function.

INDIVIDUALIZED care means each patient is given the time and attention needed to provide them with the best possible outcome.

INNOVATIVE care makes sure each patient is provided with a solution that best meets their needs.

Additionally, Loren has a high level of experience with a patients of all ages, including children. Decker Integrated Orthotics and Prosthetics is a leading provider of pediatric prosthetics in the area.

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I provide a variety of custom orthotics including prosthetic legs, prosthetic arms, prosthetic hands, prosthetic knees, prosthetic toes, foot prosthetics, and artificial running legs. I have the skill and experience necessary to serve as your full-service

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