Creed champions of life
The martial arts have a picture of the octagon which is an 8 sided dojo or fort each side represents a facet of life that must be mastered and balanced. The enemy will look for imbalance and weakness to attack so the weaknesses must be built up while strengths are balanced. We add the foundation which is core values, spiritual principals and get 9 arenas of life which are battlegrounds for us to take ground, set goals walk out our calling in a holistic way.
In sports we can focus on all aspects of an athlete's development to build champions: strength, skills, flexibility, psychology, speed, drills, competition, and evaluations.
Champions is an acronym for the following:
C = core: spiritual well being
H = heart: mental, emotional well being
A = atmosphere: home = family, home life, relational
M = mission: purpose, calling, vocational
P = physical: health, nutrition, exercise
I = intellectual, lifelong learning habits, educational
O = ownership: stewardship, finances, and materials, financial
N = nine to five: day to day work, life habits, professional
S = social life: social
A true Champion fights for their ultimate potential and destiny in every arena of Life!