Fort Leavenworth Dining Facility - Hours in About section under Page Info.
Community & Government $$
Your DFAC offers drive through options, so Soldiers in a rush can get their meals and go to work. Carry out meals will be prepared upon customer request over the Serving line during regular meal hours.
There's a rotating menu of several choices of an entrée, salad, soup of the day, starch of the day and vegetable. Those dining in also have the option of a salad bar, pizza, dessert and fresh fruit.
Regular hours our meals are served:
• Drive-through: 0430-0900
• Dine-in: 0630-0800
• Dine-in: Weekend & Federal Holidays: 0700-0830
• Drive-through: 1100-1430
• Dine-in: 1130-1300
• Drive-through: 1600-1800
• Dine-in: 1700-1830
Who can eat at the DFAC:
Per Command Policy 12, the DFAC is open to all personnel. This includes all Department of Defense and international military, contractors, and personnel who are at Fort Leavenworth for temporary duty (TDY).
Serving our Subsistence-in-Kind (SIK) enlisted Soldiers is paramount and they remain our highest priority. Opening the dining facility to other personnel is discretionary and will not interfere with that priority. SIK Soldiers in uniform have the privilege of moving to the front of the line (pay and serving) during any meal.
Authorization to subsist in the dining facility is a privilege and is subject to change by the Commanding General of Fort Leavenworth without prior notification.
The current meal cost (cash only at this time) will be charged to all non-SIK customers.
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