15th Military Police Brigade

Community & Government $$ | Closed

835 Sabalu Rd
Fort Leavenworth, KS 66027 LeavenworthRate and review

Hours | Closed

Mon09:00 am - 05:00 pm
Tue09:00 am - 05:00 pm
Wed09:00 am - 05:00 pm
Thu08:00 am - 04:00 pm
Fri09:00 am - 05:00 pm
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On 15 June 1965, the 15th Military Police Brigade was activated in Frankfurt, Germany. Colonel Robert L. Staver accepted the colors and command of the newly formed 15th Military Police Brigade, the first military police brigade activated in the United States Army. The brigade was placed under the U.S. Army Area Command, and consisted of the 2nd MP Group and the 14th MP Group. The 2nd MP Group was moved from Frankfurt to Nurnberg and given responsibility for six of the U.S. Area Command's ten districts. When the 14th MP Group was activated in Mannheim during 01 July 1964, the 463rd MP Company (Escort Guard) and the 533rd MP Company, were both assigned to function separately under the 14th MP Group. In July 1969 the last large augmentation of the 15th MP Bde strength was added, in the form of four confinement detachments; the 43rd, the 50th, the 51st and 77th MP Detachments. Upon acquiring the stockades, the Brigade immediately undertook a comprehensive program of re-organization and coordination. The largest stockade was located at Mannheim. This facility was to receive all prisoners convicted and serving sentences of more than 30 days.
Today the 15th Military Police Brigade will be reactivated and added back into the Army's active rolls. Parallel with the Brigade's lineage and previous oversight of confinement facilities and units – a large portion of the Brigade's mission will be the same except on a much larger scale. The 15th MP Bde will be responsible for

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