The King and Queen's skeleton in the closet has been exposed... The undead now rule, and the tables have turned. The rules have changed, and those once in power have gone into hiding.
Welcome to Silver's Glory. Can you withstand the oncoming storm?
This is a Live Action Roleplaying (LARP) game using the Heroic Interactive Theatre rules based out of the Kansas City / Lawrence, KS area. In the kingdom of Silver's Glory, the King and Queen have exposed their true, undead, identity. The undead now openly rule the kingdom with great power, oppressing the few remaining living beings. Everything is becoming corrupted, even the land itself.
Rumors circulate of small bands of the living banding together to rebel against the undead, but any who openly oppose the undead soon meet a fate worse than death. Can you gain the trust of powerful allies and raise an army to oppose the King and Queen, and avoid drawing undead attention to your plans before it's too late?
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